Legislative Accomplishments

CAA is actively involved in protecting auto body shop interests at the state legislature and regulatory agency level.

For example, CAA successfully defeated AB 1676 (labor rate surveys) which would have permitted insurers to use DRP rates when conducting labor rate surveys while making the survey data non-public “trade secrets”.

  • Actively lobbied AB 2276, the successor of AB 1676, to include favorable language that states surveys must be statistically valid, consider local market conditions, and not include DRP rates.
  • Opposed legislation (AB 2825) which will treat auto body shops as “debt collectors”, making communications with customers subject to strict liability, fines, and frivolous lawsuits.
  • Opposed legislation (SB 993) which would extend sales taxes to services (labor), and cause more total losses.
  • Successfully amended legislation (AB 2932) by deleting language that would have “capped” storage fees and required auto body shops to post unnecessary signage in the office area.
  • Opposed legislation (AB 2908) which would create a new $1.00 tire regulatory fee on top of the current $1.75 per tire.
  • Supported legislation (AB 3141) which will put all automotive maintenance service providers under BAR jurisdiction.
  • Supported BAR regulations that will allow body shops to provide electronic estimates and authorizations. These new regulations should take effect later this year.

Other benefits

We have a seat on the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) Advisory Committee, which gives us a voice on regulatory matters impacting the auto body industry. The committee meets quarterly.

Our lobbyist spends numerous hours both at the Capitol and attending regulatory hearings to monitor and testify in support of, and in opposition to, proposals impacting the auto body industry in California.

CAA members receive 1/2 hour free legal consultation every month with our association attorney.

CAA representatives assist member shops in making formal complaints to the Department of Insurance. If you feel you have a valid complaint but don’t know how to voice it, contact us for help.

CAA works closely with industry stakeholders to address common issues concerning the automotive industry.

CAA also has arranged various vendor-to-member benefits for shop insurance, credit card processing, and more.

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